From the Fort

October 2024

It is hard to believe we are already in the fourth quarter of 2024. The Spacesaver Group is having another great year and we are on pace to “Eclipse” not only our sales budget but also what we did last year which, as you recall, was a record for The Group!

But we are not taking our foot off the gas and are now focused on 2025. Our Strategic Plan is complete and we are finalizing our sales goals and Go-To-Market strategies for 2025. Operational improvements, product development, and the launch of CET are serving as the cornerstones of our collective plans. All this and more will be shared with you at the Principals Meeting in Chicago in January.

To put things in perspective, the key to our consistent growth since 2016 has been collaboration, which includes all of us buying in and executing our plans. You can see and feel the magic of The Spacesaver Group getting stronger every year!

Being an election year, domestic events and world unrest bring some anxiety, uncertainty, and doubt. Remember, we have been here before with COVID, supply chain issues, and soaring costs, and we prevailed. We will continue to do what we do; fill the pipelines, satisfy our customers, innovate, give thanks, and work passionately as a team! No excuses – just focus, execution, and results.

Finally, let’s keep the victims of the recent hurricanes, specifically our Patterson Pope family, in our thoughts and prayers.

Let’s finish the year strong!

God bless,
Mark Haubenschild | President/CEO

Congratulations to our Area Contractor teams that have a Spacesaver Group anniversary!

Mid-America Business Systems – October, 10 years

Spacesaver Intermountain – December, 24 years

Systems & Space – December, 31 years

Spacesaver Scorecard

Through 9 months we are continuing the positive trend of growing participants exceeding YTD targets – both shipments and incoming orders. We now have 20 PARs over their YTD Incoming Order quota and 15 PARs over the YTD goal for shipments.

September was our strongest month this year for orders – over $11M was submitted by the Group, led by Spacesaver Interiors, MD who entered nearly $3M (802.6% of quota)! The Systemcenter sent in over $1.7M (1100% of quota) and Southwest Solutions Group put through over $1.2M (119.5% of quota). There were 11 PARs in total over their monthly quota and Hi-Cube Storage Products (199% of YTD quota) still holds the yearly top spot for % of plan, while Patterson Pope Midwest maintains their lead as the top revenue PAR with just under $8M (156.4%)booked.

As a Group, we are right at 100% YTD shipment quota, and keeping the bar set high, Patterson Pope Midwest is on top in shipments with $8.6M (171.2%) invoiced. HBI Office Plus is still leading the pack at 217.7% of their YTD target, but Kanstor (189.2%) and Donnegan Systems VT/ME/NH (187.1%) are right behind and closing quickly! With 11 PARs between 85% and 99%, we have a great shot at getting a majority of PARs over the mark!

October is already off to a great start – orders are picking up where September left off and we fully expect the shipments to keep us over quota. Let’s dominate the 4th quarter and cross the finish line for another successful year!

Major Projects

Majorly Productive to the Core: At the center of every major project we take on, is a deep-seated desire to deliver systems that support the heart and soul of the organizations that utilize them. Essentially, our core principle is to offer core solutions to the core needs of our core clients.

Evidence of this desire are the purchase orders we recently received for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Ice Core Facility (called out in the last edition of From the Fort) and the Geological Survey of Alabama (GSA) Core Warehouse Building. The Ice Core Facility – scheduled for completion in Q2 2025 – will include ActivRAC 7M with stainless steel rails and heavy-duty 4-Post Shelving rated to withstand freezer temperatures of -40 degrees Fahrenheit! The GSA Core Warehouse project – set for installation in Q2 2025 – features static High-Bay units of varying heights to account for the facility’s roof line, configured to store geological cores and function with the organization’s wire-guided order picking system.

Want even more? Our team will be at Core Forum 2024. What will we have in store? Information on our recent High-Bay installation at the University of Minnesota, for which there’s a tour!

2023 Invest Algin Deliver

We just wrapped our final Product School of 2024 – a week that is exhausting yet energizing at the same time. Two and a half days full of products, people, showroom tours, socializing, markets, and more, there are so many elements to learn and connections to make. We truly appreciate the effort and investment by all participants this year – thank you for Going Above PAR to attend!

Product School can be a bit like summer camp: we say farewell with good intentions of remaining pen pals, only to find ourselves wrapped up in our daily lives once we’re home again. If there’s one key takeaway to remember, though: we want to be resources to you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out! From our product team to business development, vertical market managers to sales support, our teams want to stay in touch with you throughout the year to help drive successful outcomes. Please drop us a line and we will be sure to write/call/text back!

2023 Invest Algin Deliver

Vertical Market Updates


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT COMING! To keep your Halloween open, we’ve MOVED THE OCTOBER MILITARY CALL TO OCTOBER 24th at 1:30 PM CDT. Trust us, you will want to join the call live!

Next Military Market Call

October 24 at 1:30 PM CDT

For the first time in decades, the Air Force has been given a bigger slice of the budget than the Army. And don’t forget Marine Corps and Naval Air Stations who will also be receiving or continuing to receive the F35 Joint Strike Fighter.

Make sure you continue to get in front of top Army National Guard state G4’s to promote statewide locker and armory modernization projects. While you’re at it, don’t forget to keep the focus on Army Next Gen Squad Weapon Opportunities.

Contact Pete Rooney anytime with questions, comments, or insights.

Library & Higher Ed

Driven by the popularity of notable athletes in both the men’s and women’s categories, schools are looking to expand and/or improve upon their athletics footprint.

Space growth has remained flat for the third year, signaling that institutions are recognizing the importance of considering alternatives to new construction to optimize their current layout.

Please reach out to one of our Sales Managers within our Major Projects team, Hannah Bare, or Brian Grimm for support in the Education market.


Building on the recent success of fellow Group members, we have put together a list of factors these reps believe helped set Spacesaver apart and contributed to their ability to win opportunities:

  • Breadth of subject matter knowledge and product offering
  • Inquisitive mindset when approaching the client’s need
  • Partner referral and contract vehicles
  • Reputation within the market
  • Security options for systems
  • Configurability of system components
  • Availability for client visits and questions
  • Lunch and Learn Opportunities

Want to add to this list or have an install you’d like us to highlight that demonstrates one or more of these qualities? Get in touch with any of the team members listed below!

Please reach out to one of our Sales Managers within our Major Projects team, Hannah Bare, or Brian Grimm for support in the Education market.


ATALM is coming up November 13-14 in Palm Springs, CA. We’ll have Emily and Mitchell on hand to answer questions and show off our solutions to attendees. Come to Booth #509 and say hello!

October is American Archives Month 2024! Make sure you’re reaching out to contacts in this field to celebrate the occasion and help them celebrate their collections all year round.

Contact Emily Martin anytime with questions, comments, or insights.


Spacesaver has invested in Definitive Healthcare – a research tool that provides access the highest quality data and intelligence on hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare providers. Reach out to Pete or Megan if you want assistance with leveraging this tool.

Physician office labs – which includes hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers – are projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 7.52% to $18.3 billion by 2030.

Have questions about the new Premier Healthcare contract we’ve been awarded? Check out our blog and reach out to our Contracts Team for more information.

Contact Pete Rooney anytime with questions, comments, or insights.

A Definitive Refresher

Definitive Healthcare is a healthcare-focused business intelligence tool that helps us create a holistic picture of the healthcare landscape. With this comprehensive and integrated view, we can map decision-making entities, quantify ROI for products, size total addressable markets, access contact data for buyers and decision-makers and more.

Spacesaver has made a significant investment in this asset for the entire Spacesaver Group to leverage. Want help with targets in your territory? Reach out to Pete Rooney and Megan Skinkis on how we can partner with you to help build pipeline.


Sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives are driving business to facilities to focus on sustainable designs, energy-efficient systems, and eco-friendly construction materials – which are more attractive to both tenants and investors.

Next Manufacturing Market Call

November 15 at 10:30 AM CDT

Have a Manufacturing installation you’d like us to highlight in a case study? Reach out to Jeff and share the good news!

Contact Jeff Peters anytime with questions, comments, or insights.

Public Safety

Know a police chief or high-ranking officer from your PAR attending IACP? Have them stop by Booth #1565 to see Scott for a personal tour of our product solutions and how we can help them solve their storage challenges, improve their facilities, and retain officers.

Next Public Safety Market Call

October 25 at 10:30 AM CDT

Grant details and information is available for the Edward Byrne Memorial assistance grant program – geared toward assisting law enforcement and jails with grant money to help fund departments looking for ways to upgrade or renovate their facilities.

Contact Scott Loreaux anytime with questions, comments, or insights.

Marketing Minute

FreeStyle® Personal Storage Locker with Pull-Out Bench

All the stops are removed and we’re ready to launch our FreeStyle® Personal Storage Locker with Pull-Out Bench. Keep an eye out for a launch webinar invite from Lindsey Mullarkey and get ready to help your clients sit back, set their items down, and enjoy this innovative, space-optimizing accessory.

Product School & Installation Training

In our final Product School for 2024, we were joined by 17 participants from 12 different ACs. Additionally, we had 11 participants representing 5 different ACs in our final Installation Training of the year. Thank you to these individuals – as well as all of you who joined us throughout the year – in your collective efforts toward continuous improvement and advancement!

Competitive Comparison Sheets

As Spacesaver has expanded our product offering over time, the competitive landscape of the industries we serve has also changed. To navigate these shifts, we work to continually update our competitive intelligence on other players in these industries – including what they sell, how they sell, and what sets Spacesaver apart from them.

We recently completed and uploaded competitive comparison documents for our most prevalent HDMS competitors – Montel, Spacefile, Datum, & Bruynzeel – which are stored on SpaceNet for your use.

As you review these documents and begin to utilize them, please reach out to us with questions you have or additions you feel could be useful to the Group.

ISO 14001:2015 Certification

This September, our team received ISO 14001:2015 certification from SGS USA – the nation’s leading provider of inspection, testing, verification and certification services.

Save the Date


October 19-22TradeshowInternational Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference | Boston, MA
October 24Conference CallMilitary Market Call, 1:30 PM CDT
October 25Conference CallPublic Safety Market Call, 10:30 AM CDT


November 12-14TradeshowEDspaces | Houston, TX
November 13-14TradeshowAssociation of Tribal Archives, Libraries, & Museums (ATALM) | Palm Springs, CA
November 14-16TradeshowCore Forum | Minneapolis, MN
November 15Conference CallManufacturing Market Call, 10:00 AM CDT
November 22Conference CallPublic Safety Market Call, 10:30 AM CDT
November 28-29Spacesaver ClosedHoliday


December 15-16TradeshowNational Athletic Director’s Conference (NADC) | Austin, TX
December 20Conference CallPublic Safety Market Call, 10:30 AM CDT
December 24-25Spacesaver ClosedHoliday